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Maritime Security Challenges in the Indo Pacific

By Vice Admiral Shekhar Sinha (Retd)Published: February 2016

New Delhi. Exercising soft power without the backing of hard power is not an option in today’s world and is on display in the Indo Pacific context. China, with all the hard power at its disposal, is claiming supremacy virtually over entire South China Sea (SCS) whereas Japan and India are finding it difficult to exercise their soft power supremacy either in the SCS or the Indian Ocean Rim (IOR).


Around the Indo Pacific revolves the geopolitics of the 21st century. Thanks to the rise of China, the region could be headed for fundamental change in power equations and possibly towards a tense Cold War like future. Broadly, traditional security challenges in the Indo Pacific, can be summed up as:

  • Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea, fuelling apprehension on China’s behaviour in maintaining good order at sea.
  • Emergence of Chinese naval combatants in the Indian Ocean and their presence along proposed Maritime Silk Route in the future. China has already declared its intent to preposition naval assets in distant regions. l US rebalance in the Indo Pacific.
  • Coming together of Russia and China as also transfer of Russian military hardware both to China and Pakistan adding to asymmetry in the region.
  • Sale of eight or more submarines and military aircraft by China to Pakistan.
  • The Chinese hobnobbing with Sri Lanka, Seychelles and Maldives.


China has reclaimed roughly 800 hectares of land from nowhere in the South China Sea. It effectively enlarges its claim of Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) at the expense of other nations in the vicinity. China may accordingly claim the right to explore the waters for minerals and deny the same to other resident nations.

SCS is believed to have phenomenal reserves of oil and gas. The Chinese claim to the entire SCS and its insistence for vessels of other countries to seek their approval for passage through these waters has come as a surprise to the world. The Chinese claim also means roadblocks to commercial activities of countries like India who have won exploration contracts off Vietnam coast following due process.

China has also declared an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the artificially created islands around reefs, and built two runways on the disputed Spratly islands, each 3000 metres long and capable of handling heavy aircraft as well as fighter jets. Landing trials on these runways have been completed. A third is under construction.

The development as well as the declared intent indicates aggressiveness. This challenges the whole system of good order at sea. Though the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Military Commission (CMC) Fan Changlong has said that China will not hinder passage of the sea farers, China’s claims over some 80 per cent of the CS has rattled all its neighbours who have challenged the Chinese claims.


There is concern also on a second issue, that of deployment of Chinese naval combatants in the Indian Ocean and along proposed Maritime Silk Route. Essentially, the Silk Route will serve China’s economic interests in enabling it to dump cheap manufactured goods in other countries, particularly those in Africa with whom China has the fastest growing trade.

Significantly, China has deployed nuclear submarines in the Indian Ocean saying they were needed to fight pirates who use rather small boats. That has raised eyebrows and is a very hard to accept proposition for naval tacticians.


From the time the US officially announced its pivot shift to the Indo Pacific, the Chinese are in an overdrive to get the PLA Navy to assert in the far flung blue waters. The Military strategy paper of 2015 very clearly specifies that maritime domain of China will now fall under the category of Strategic forces along with nuclear, cyber and space.

It states that traditional thinking of land forces being predominant in national strategic calculus is not right, and that the focus must shift to the maritime domain, The PLA Navy therefore has now been assigned a strategic role. One can clearly see a future full of crowded Indo Pacific and therefore moments of tense atmosphere.

Significantly, most of the Chinese task forces are now crossing the Mediterranean and visiting countries far beyond the Gulf of Aden where piracy takes place. While the Maritime Silk Route will serve China’s legitimate commercial interests, the presence of inflated naval combatants in the Indian Ocean on the pretext of securing sea lanes for developing trade will only create and aggravate tensions.

The US, which maintains a global naval presence, and other countries have already rejected the Chinese declarations in this regard. The US Navy occasionally forays into, and over, the waters claimed by China saying it is in international waters.


Russia has become assertive with the annexation of Crimea, and also entered the fray in Syria. The Russians have turned to the Chinese for trade and strategic interests. Military hardware and technologies are being sold to China. And their navies exercised together in the SCS.

Moscow has supplied many weapons and systems to China, including aircraft engines for JF 17s. The aircraft is coproduced by Pakistan, which is also now taking helicopters from Russia. There are questions. Is a Cold War like situation emerging? Will developments in SCS and Indo Pacific result in similar scenario at sea with the US and EU on one side and China and Russia on the other?

The Chinese build-up towards Anti Access/ Area Denial (A2AD) and demonstration of Anti Satellite (ASAT) capability are aimed at nations who have aircraft carriers and satellite constellations. The US has been spending over $300 million a year for quite some to build satellite based Directed Energy weapons mainly to be used from sea against incoming high speeds missiles. Laser generators with 100 KW are on the verge of entering service. Clearly, a scenario of future confrontation at sea is emerging.


Whatever happens, India is affected. The Chinese are building a huge commercial port and naval base at Gwadar in Pakistan, and plans for supplying eight Diesel Electric submarines have been announced. Pakistan’s friendship with China is built only on an anti-India platform, and Islamabad will go to any length to harm India through this collusion. In fact, Beijing is spending about US$ 100 billion in Pakistan to virtually acquire large tracts of the coastal belt in Gwadar on long lease.

That increases India’s vulnerability manifold even if New Delhi does business with China and it will compel India towards higher defence spending. India’s concerns are compounded by opacity of China. The Chinese nuclear proliferation has made Pakistan a nuclear power. There are reports that China is also helping Pakistan to integrate nuclear tipped missiles on their future submarines.

The smaller economies of Sri Lanka, Seychelles and Maldives have already fallen prey to Chinese money power and will have to compensate China else where. The debt which these island nations are accruing, will compel them to provide berthing facilities to the Chinese naval forces in return. Notably, the Maldives parliament had recently passed a bill which may permit China to acquire islands as long as the investment is over $1 billion, and the development also help reclaim at least 70 percent of the area around an island.

This is clearly tailor made for China, which has specialised in reclamation. Maldives and India share EEZ, and any island which is leased to the Chinese in the northern group will raise maritime security concerns for New Delhi. Effectively perhaps, the often articulated island chain around India – the string of pearls – is being completed by the Chinese.

The increasing Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean will stretch the Indian maritime assets towards monitoring of choke points and Sea Lane protection. India’s primacy as a regional maritime power and net security provider in IOR is headed for dilution by the arrival of a non resident power.

This is what New Delhi has to address along with other littoral states having stake in the Indo Pacific.

– The author is former Commander in Chief of the Western Naval Command & Chief of the Integrated Defence Staff. The views expressed here are personal.

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