Peace and Security Essential for Development, says Niti Aayog Vice Chairman

New Delhi. Drawing a link between security and development, Niti Aayog Vice Chairman Dr Arvind Panagariya said that there cannot be sustainable development without peace and security, and that without development and poverty eradication there will be no sustainable peace.

Dr Panagariya was speaking on ‘National Security and Development’ while delivering the 51st Foundation Day address of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) on November 17.

Reiterating that violence plays a major role in hampering development of a country, Dr Panagariya explained that instability, conflict, insecurity, and violence, deter social security, economic growth, and hamper access to basic services, including education, health, and social security. Violence severely weakens democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, he added.

Drawing references from the World Development Report 2011 on Conflict, Security and Development, Dr Panagariya said that billions of people live in countries affected by repeated cycles of political and criminal violence. Such a lack of stability in any country or region is detrimental to the development efforts nationally or regionally.

Terming it as a ‘Gun vs butter question’, Dr Panagariya said that resources – human and financial — are limited. “Conflicts have an enormous cost in terms of human, financial, and infrastructure resources. The more we spend on weapons the less we have for basic needs and development. Therefore, development cooperation between nations must tackle the root causes of conflict and use development aid as a tool to reduce conflict.” Economic interdependence in today’s world has considerably reduced tensions between certain countries, he pointed out.

In a read out message from Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, the Minister described IDSA as a premier think tank focussed on national security and implored the Institute’s scholars to encourage a greater degree of security consciousness among, both policy makers and larger informed public in India, especially keeping in mind the growing economic and political uncertainties in the region and the world at large.

IDSA Director General Jayant Prasad in his welcome address said that national security and development cannot be promoted independently. The quest for maximising India’s strategic options does not stop at augmenting India’s military capacities and capabilities, and the better use of defence, deterrence, and diplomacy. It includes harnessing the power of India’s potential in a more organic way.

IDSA is a non-partisan, autonomous, registered, society, funded by the Indian Ministry of Defence. Established in New Delhi on November 11, 1965, IDSA is dedicated to objective and policy relevant studies on all aspects of defence and security. Over the years, it has emerged as the nation’s premier think thank on strategic affairs.

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